
Calculators and Tools



If you’ve got a target in mind for your portfolio, or want to check what it would take to accumulate £100,000 in 5 years, then use our investment calculators to see how much and how often you need to save.choice4


Our growth calculators will help you work out what a lump sum today might be worth in the future. Add regular investments to it too and see how that affects the total value at end of your chosen timeframe.


If you know what you would like to generate as an income in retirement but not sure whether you’re on track or need to think about changes to your retirement planning, then our pension calculators will help show what you might need to consider.

Here’s a bit of fun to kick off – how rich are you? Click here to see how your salary ranks you in the country; set your sights even higher? – see where you feature on the Global Rich List.



DIY Investor brings you a wide range of calculators from around the web.

There a large number of calculators to assist you in your financial planning; the tools come from a wide range of providers to help you find the right one for your personal circumstancescalculator

However, because they are come from a third party DIY Investor is unable to vouch for their accuracy and the information they provide should only ever be considered to be indicative.

DIY Investor is aimed at UK investors and the tools that have been selected are primarily designed for the UK market and its prevailing tax and regulatory environment; however DIY Investor cannot take responsibility for the efficacy of any particular tool in your individual circumstances.

DIY investing is ingrained in the national psyche in the US and we also include a number of calculators from there which can deliver a different perspective on personal financial planning.

If you have any doubt, need additional information or require guidance in order to formulate an investment strategy or make key decisions regarding your financial future, it is important that you seek professional advice appropriate to your experience or knowledge of investments.



Annuity CalculatorsAttitude to RiskBuy to Let CalculatorsCompound Interest CalculatorsHouse Price CalculatorsIncome Drawdown CalculatorsInheritance Tax CalculatorsInvestment CalculatorsISA CalculatorsMortgage CalculatorsPension CalculatorsProperty Investment CalculatorsSalary CalculatorsSavings CalculatorsSchool Fee CalculatorsStamp Duty CalculatorsTax Calculators

Annuity Calculators


When you reach retirement there are a great many options available to you which are affected by your own personal circumstances. The purchase of an annuity is only one of these but because it is a one off lifetime decision it is perhaps the most important.

Because of the of the number of options available it is important that you select those that meet your circumstances.


Think Annuity

Money Advice Service – Compare annuities

Get Annuity – See how much your income is likely to be.

Compare Annuity – Get up to 40% more from your pension

Saga – Check your potential retirement income.

National Annuity Advice Centre 

LV – Find your highest achievable income in 10 mins

My Pension Expert – Live annuity quotes

Aviva – Helping you understand your pension choices

Hargreaves Lansdown – Obtain and compare annuity quotes

Attitude to Risk Calculators


Standard Life – Understand your investment risk appetite.

Vanguard – Basic attitude to risk calculator.

Royal London – See which investment options are more suitable for you.

Axa Wealth – Adviser risk profiling tool

Money Advice Service – Basic introduction to risk

Which? – Understand your attitude to risk

Buy to Let Yield Calculators


Momentum – What are your likely returns on a buy to let property?

This is Money -What return would a property deliver?

Mortgage Advice Bureau – Calculate and compare

Your Move – Rental calculator

Propyield – Commercial property calculator

Money Supermarket – Mortgages, buy to let

Compound Interest Calculators


Monevator – see how your money will grow with or without compound interest

Online Calculators – see how compound interest affects savings and loans

The Money Jar – see the effect of compound interest and of making regular top ups to your investments





House Price Calculators


Momentum – Estimate how much your house is worth

Nationwide – House price index

London and Country – How much is my house worth

Right Move – The cost of moving house

Zoopla – Find out for free

Property Price Advice – backed by Yopa and national house builders


Income Drawdown Calculators


With income drawdown – also known as ‘flexi-access drawdown’ – you keep most or all of your pension pot invested and draw an income from it.

Unlike an annuity, the income isn’t guaranteed for life, so this option carries more risk that your money might run out before you do.

However, in return for more risk you do gain more flexibility with income drawdown as you can vary the amount you take according to your need


Money Advice Service – Understand and compare income drawdown tool.

Fidelity – What income might you achieve and how long will your money last in differing circumstances.

Hargreaves Lansdown – Calculate drawdown income

Which – Making your money last

Prudential – Retirement income calculator

Just retirement – Drawdown risk calculator

Invidion – Flexi-access drawdown calculator



Inheritance Tax Calculators


Inheritance tax (IHT) is a tax on any transfer of assets to other people or trusts. It is commonly paid in respect of an individual’s estate on death, but it can also be applied in respect of certain transfers of assets during life. You don’t have to be overly affluent to achieve this threshold. Today, the value of your property can easily take you over the threshold.

It is a mistaken assumption that you need to be particularly wealthy to incur a substantial Inheritance Tax liability. When you die, the value of your taxable estate is calculated. This is the total value of all your possessions and assets, less any available exemptions and relief. If the taxable estate exceeds the nil rate tax band of £325,000 (for the 2015/6 tax year), anything over that sum is taxed at 40% (although lifetime transfers are more complex, charged immediately at 20%, and with periodic charges every ten years



My Legal Adviser – latest IHT calculator; includes new residence nil rate band

Invidion – IHT calculator

This is Money – Work out your liability

Octopus Investments – includes nil rate band

Aviva – Inheritance Tax calculator for advisers

Gov.UK – Reduced tax rate calculator

Prudential – Adviser calculator

Royal London Group – professional tool

Time Investments – for advisers

Money to the Masses – with other useful tips

Hargreaves Lansdown – on of a range of tools

Which – a range of tax calculators

Investment Calculators


Invidion – Investment Yield (Growth Rate) Calculator.

Candid Money – Fund Cost Comparison Calculator.

Vanguard – How changing your mix of investments affects performance

Vanguard – How the cumulative effect of costs can slow your progress towards your goals.

Vanguard – The power of compounding.

LSE – Investment Fees vs Returns

ISA Calculators


Standard Life – See how much your ISA could be worth in the future.

Hargreaves Lansdown – how much your ISA investments could be worth in the future.

Alliance Trust Savings – enter the current value of your ISA, set your objective and work out how much you can afford to invest.

Halifax – Investment ISA calculator

Fidelity – Quick and easy ISA calculator

Nutmeg – What could your ISA be worth

Money Savings Expert – Best Cash ISA



Loan Calculators


UK Online Finance

Momentum – Use this calculator to estimate what your monthly repayments will be, and how much you’ll need to repay overall


Pension Calculators


Pension calculators help you calculate how much income you might receive at retirement, based upon the amounts saved during your working life.

You may currently be a member of your employer’s pension scheme (either a final salary or money purchase arrangement), pay contributions into a personal pension or stakeholder pension, have several arrangements from previous periods of employment (such as a deferred or paid-up occupational pension schemes, Retirement Annuity contracts, etc), or you may have a combination of the above arrangements or no pension provision whatsoever

In order to calculate how much you need to save to provide your required retirement income at your chosen retirement date, you will need to take into account your current arrangements. By making a mathematical estimate of how much pension (or the value of your accumulated pension fund) you will have available at your chosen retirement age (if assumptions about fund growth and inflation prove correct), you will have a reasonable idea of the ‘shortfall’ you need to fund for in order to meet your objectives.


Invideon – How much income could you receive at retirement?

Standard Life – Are your pension savings on track for the retirement lifestyle you want?

Money Advice Service

Hargreaves Lansdowne – How much might your pension pay? Is it on track?

Scottish Widows – How you will replace your salary when you retire?

NEST – What you might get when you take your money out of NEST.

Wealth Wizards – Describe yourself against these 5 characteristics and we’ll show you an investment strategy to match.

Invidion – Flexi-Access Drawdown Calculator.

Invidion – Personal Pension vs SIPP Charges Calculator – State pension forecast.

Alliance Trust Savings – Saving towards retirement

Alliance Trust Savings – Nearing retirement

Momentum – Is your pension on track so that you can afford to retire when you want?

Property Investment Calculators


Go Compare If you’re looking to sell, you probably want to know how to add value to your home


Salary Calculators


Your Wealth – your estimated take-home pay after Income Tax and National Insurance


Savings Calculators


Bestinvest – The impact of inflation on your savings.

LSE – This time next year…. how long to save a cool million?


School Fee Calculators


Candid Money – Calculate how much it could cost to send your child to a fee paying independent school.

Candid Money – Can you afford school fees? – Student finance calculator.

Prudential – How school or university fees could be funded via a bond with a one off investment.

Prudential – How monthly or annual savings can be used to generate a lump sum.

Prudential – School and university fees calculator.

Killik – Work out how much you need to help your children or grandchildren.


Stamp Duty Calculators


Momentum – How much will you pay on your property purchase, buy-to-let or second home?

Tax Calculators


Candid Money – How much capital gains tax you might have to pay when selling assets.

Candid Money – VCT Tax Benefit Calculator

CrowdRating – SEIS and EIS Calculator



Screening and Selector Tools


DIY Investor brings you a wide range of screening and selector tools from around the web.

There a large number of selectors covering many international markets, industry sectors and investment types to help you find the right investments for you; the tools come from a wide range of providers to help you find the right one for your individual circumstancesmagnifying glass

However, because they come from a third party DIY Investor is unable to vouch for the accuracy of the data that underpins them, nor the way in which they are constructed.

DIY Investor is aimed at UK investors and the tools that have been selected are primarily designed for the UK market and its prevailing tax and regulatory environment; however DIY Investor cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of any particular tool, and individual products may not be available via your chosen platform.

The historical performance of any financial product should never be taken as an indicator of its likely future performance and as with any investment, it is important that you seek professional advice appropriate to your experience or knowledge of investments.


Bond CalculatorsDerivativesETF ScreenersFund ScreenerInternational MarketsInvestment TrustsStructured ProductsUK Markets

Bond Calculators


Investopedia – Bond valuation includes calculating the present value of the bond’s future interest payments, also known as its cash flow, and the bond’s value upon maturity, also known as its face value or par value.

Fixed Income Investor – yield to maturity and running yield for conventional fixed-coupon bonds

Fixed Income Investor – Gilt and Index Linked Gilt prices

Annexus – the impact of changes in interest rates on bond yields.

Investopedia – value your bonds.






ETP Screeners


ETFs are becoming increasingly popular with DIY investors.

However, it is not always straightforward to find the product you are looking for; there is no standardised naming convention and apples and apples comparison is difficult.

The screening tools contained herein allow you to search by index tracked, by replication method, by currency and to look at historical and peer group performance data.

Some screeners also facilitate ‘what-if’ analysis and allow the user to run a number of dummy portfolios.

justETF – Search and compare ETFs with ease

Morningstar – Filter the universe to find the best exchange-traded products for you. – US, and comprehensive – Fund and ETF screener

ETF Screen – Search US ETFs

IG – Screen ISA eligible, or all ETFs

AJ Bell Youinvest – Screen almost 2,000 ETFs

Reuters – 65,000 funds, 2,000 ETFs

Share Centre – Screen the market and see recommendations


Fund Screener


Morningstar – filter the fund universe to find the best funds for you.

Guardian Investing

Financial Times



Reuters – 65,000 funds, 2,000 ETFs

International Markets



Investment Trust Screener


Morningstar –  Filter the universe to find the best investment trusts and other closed-end funds for you.



Structured Products Selector


Cube Investing


UK Markets and Sectors


diy investing
Saga 220 x 75XO 220 x 75SDA 220 x 75CF 220 x 75
Strawberry 220 x 75 2

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