By Charles White Thomson


A:  is for the all-conquering AI, productivity enhancements and the resulting huge share price gains. AI has the ability to do great good and great harm.  Active and thoughtful regulation is key. (see H, M)


B: is for BREXIT and leaving the EU. Focus and implement the positives and advantages, as opposed to dwelling on the negatives, and unleash UK PLC. (see G,P, R)


C: is for the battered consumer and the cost of living crisis. The monetary policy wrecking ball has not served the majority well. (see E,G,I)


D: is for UK debt or £2.5 trillion and breaking the psyche of over borrowing and high taxes.  It’s not just about being good clients of the bond market, we need to be good to the UK PLC shareholders, or us. (see G, P)


E: is for the experts who have had a bad run, including economists and politicians. 2024 is a time for a healthy dose of contrarian thinking and scepticism. (see G,W)


F: is for FAANG (Meta (formerly Facebook), Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Alphabet) getting a Magnificent 7 makeover. Actively manage your concentration exposure to these names. (see A, H, M)


G: is for growth or GDP. Anaemic UK growth is now public enemy number one and priority number one.  We need to grow our way out of this mess. (see B,C,D, N,P)


H: is for market highs.  Markets have been very generous in 2023.  We will have to work harder for our returns in 2024.  Prepare your portfolio for more challenging times. (see A, M)


I: is for interest rates and the monetary policy wrecking ball.  We need a review led by economists and generalists to deliver a more traditional policy and learn from the mistakes. Ben Bernanke’s review is more of the same?


J: is for Japan and its super loose monetary policy.


K: is for the importance of kith and kin in whatever form you see it


L: is for the region of Levant – Israel and Palestine. This will continue to dominate the news agenda in early 2024.


M: is for the importance of being able to access a multi asset portfolio at a fair price. A good portfolio has access to all the financial gears. This includes the ability to make money when markets decline. (see H)


N: is for the next generation.  Stand tall and make your voice heard. A shrinking labour force, large debt, anaemic growth, monetary policy failure and high taxes have contributed to this mess, and we need to grow our way out of it, or you will be left carrying the can.  Higher taxes and more debt are not the answer. (see R, G, W)


O: is for is for Ozempic, the weight loss drug.  A double-edged sword – will it encourage people to be lazy?


P: is for politics with the polls pointing to the Red teams getting elected on both sides of the pond.


Q: is for questioning and the importance of open and reasonable debate, including at universities, without the fear of getting cancelled.


R: is for taking good, calculated risks.  For UK PLC to flourish and deliver on the full potential we will need to embrace risk and not shy away from bold decisions. (see G,N, S,P)


S: is for status quo and the danger of no change, managed decline and accepting mediocrity.  Hope and self-confidence is what UK PLC needs and bags of it. (see G, R)


T: is for Taiwan and the Presidential elections in January. How will China view a Pro Independence win?


U: is for Ukraine. At war now for two years, 2024 could be critical to what happens next.


V: is for vision. The UK should be run like a PLC. The PM is the CEO and Chancellor is the CFO. A healthy focus on growth as opposed to the habitual higher borrowing and taxes.  This includes the ability to have difficult conversations and make decisions about our sacred cows including the NHS. (G, N, P)


W: is for embracing your own Weird Barbie and the dangers and false comforts of group think.  (see E, G, H, I, N, P, Q, V)


X: is for X’s man of the moment, Elon Musk, and why the world needs more leaders and innovators like him. 


Y: is for the power of yield and ensuring your bank, wealth manager or broker pass this on to you. (H,M)


Z: is for Zulu hour or the importance of now. Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Charles White Thomson is CEO at Saxo UK

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