‘Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity'(Seneca): Thoughts of Saltydog Investor
DIY Investor
5 December 2020
I have found the recent proliferation of Covid-19 instructions to be confusing and open to individual interpretation.
Some scientists are genuine, and highly intelligent, but I found that in my working life it was alright to listen to their advice, but not always wise to take it as an instruction. Remember that since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak!
Nevertheless, I would not like to have had the responsibility for making the Covid-19 decisions. Too much contrary information descending from all directions, and in particular the media!
The recent announcement of successful vaccines may be the light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel, so let us hope that this time around our stressed politicians will shake off the habit of extending the tunnel.
Maybe then we will see a roaring 2020s stock market boom, along the lines of the roaring 1920s, after the end of the First World War and the Spanish Flu?
Today, with so much debt and unemployment in the Western World it is hard to believe that governments will resort to future economic policies of austerity. So, I intend to continue staying invested in the sectors and funds that have served me so well for the last nine months.
Technology … Polar Capital Technology, AXA Framlington Global Technology.
Artificial Intelligence … Smith & Williamson Artificial Intelligence.
Green Clean Energy … iShares II PLC Global Clean Energy, Pictet Clean Energy, Baillie Gifford Positive Change,
Sustainable … Janus Henderson Institutional Global Responsible Managed, Liontrust Sustainable Future Managed.
Hydrogen Companies … ITM Power, Ceres Power, Powercell Sweden AB.
However, I will also be adding funds from the under-priced UK sectors.
Now I am absolutely certain that some of you will have enjoyed greater success than I have over the same period.
since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak!
You may be invested in alternative funds, and that is the beauty of Saltydog. We are all given the same information and can make our own decisions based on the regular supply of factual information. Hopefully all roads will have led to Rome.
In hindsight I always feel that I hold too much cash, it is never less than 15% and sometimes as much as 40%. Still I excuse this as being an age thing. Less time ahead to recover from mistakes!
However, I do believe that the short-term omens of today might be favourable for the equity markets, so I will be holding less cash, not more.
Reading the chicken bones, I believe these auspices to be relevant.
• Low interest rates.
• Baby boomers leaving money and property to younger family members.
• The Green drive from Biden, Boris, and the world in general.
• The large young population of the Far East rapidly becoming more wealthy.
• World tourism returning now that coronavirus is on the back foot.
• Technology and Health research racing ahead faster than ever.
The worm in the rotten apple is the resolution of the enormous amounts of debt that future generations will have to cope with, but that is not today’s problem.
Just maybe, the world is about to break through the limits that have restricted humanity from its conception. It comes down to revolutionary changes in the way we see and use three things … Energy, Life and Intelligence.
This should surely generate investment opportunities for Saltydog Investors.
Best wishes and good luck with your investments.
Founder & Chairman
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